Monday, April 25, 2011

Heavy Lifting

Around my house I am doing some major lifting with these two troublemakers running around making more messes then I can clean up!! I love it =)  And, it reminds me to get my strength training in.  I think the reason I have been doing so well with all the running is because for 6 days a week all winter long I went to Kinetic Edge (a really amazing gym that is all about circuit training and kettle bells.) Lately, I have been running so much for the marathon that I have not had as much time to get there, but my goal is to go at least twice a week.  

On a side note here is a picture from our Easter.  It never gets old running around the yard looking for plastic eggs with candy in them.. I am sure I ate way to much of that candy too!!  I hope you all had a great Easter weekend.



  1. That gym looks pretty great...I have a hard time getting my strength training in too. Running takes over as priority!
    Lovely photo of your kids with their Easter baskets!


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