Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thank You!!

I just wanted to do a little post and say THANK YOU for all of your wonderful comments.  It really did help me feel better.  A week has gone by and I can say that I am already itching to run.  I went for a super slow 2 miles on Thursday and I am about to head out to do a slow 5.  All without my watch!!

Oh and I may or may not have signed up for another race in the not too distant future :)  I mean I couldn't really let NYCM be the finish to my hard trained running season could I?

More to come on that later!

Yep I just swiped a couple from Brightroom.  No biggy right?

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Yay so happy you're feeling better Sarah! Way to not let the NYCM define your racing season! Onward and Upward

  2. Awesome! You go GE that other race and ROCK IT! Great photos - you look so strong despite all of the pain you said you were feeling!

  3. Yay! Can't wait to hear what the other race is! The photos are awesome!! The guy in the back of the bottom one is cracking me up

  4. Can't wait to hear about the new adventure...ahem, race!

  5. Great photos! So what race is next? I'm ready for my next plan too!

  6. Awesome photos! I'm curious about your next race. Did you sign up for a RNR race since they were $20 off Friday?

  7. Check you out!! You look great!! You look like you're concentrating and trying really hard!! Good job! Can't wait to hear about what your next race is!

  8. Those are some great photos, you look totally in control and looking good. Everyone else around you seems to be dying by comparison!


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