Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dinner was Good...not great

Tonights dinner was good. I would recommend giving it a try if you want a new way to cook Halibut, but overall I don't give it a great.  The reason being I just needed a little more of something..... like a side dish of some sort.

It was my first attempt at cooking Quinoa and lets just say it didn't work out. I dunno, it blew up in my microwave... and really I am not even sure you should cook it in the microwave. But, I was just in a jam looking for a quick way to get it done and although I did follow a recipe from the food network website it just didn't workout..... =) So that was out, but I ended up cooking the Halibut just about right and the broth was tasty.

I was planning on taking pictures while I cooked but because everything went so quickly I was too worried about overcooking my fish or not browning my shallots and artichokes evenly.  So before I knew it, everything was in the dish ready to taste.

If you wanna give this recipe a try and feel like you can do more justice with it, please click here =)

Happy Cooking -Jen


  1. Hahah I have never heard of cooking quinoa in the microwave! I usually do it on the stove top and it is pretty quick! Give it another shot. It's tasty stuff...and high in protein too!

  2. I never have heard of it in the microwave either. I've heard it's really good, but I haven't tried it.

  3. I know how you feel. I always intend to take pictures of my cooking in progress and then get too frazzled to actually take the photos!


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