Thursday, July 28, 2011

No Tie Shoelaces

Who knew lacing up the "no tie" shoe laces would be such a pain in the rear. I opened the box, took out the laces and no instructions came out. I then proceeded to attempt to just figure it out myself thinking... "well if there are is no paper with instructions on how to lace them it must be relatively easy." 20 whole minutes after lacing, re-lacing and swearing at the dam shoelaces I take the box and start ripping it open.  Only of course to find instructions printed on the inside of the box...  

One of my attempts and lacing up my shoe.....unsuccessful.

20 minutes later. Success..finally

This week has been busy with getting ready for my tri, cleaning my house, grocery shopping, hanging by the pool and getting Peter ready for school. He starts in only a few short weeks! 

Also, I must be needing sleep because my body slept in Monday and Tuesday and although I did get in some good workouts those days they weren't quite as I had planned.  Wednesday morning I set 10 alarms to ensure that my rear would get out of bed on time. So it worked, and not only woke me up but the rest of my family as well ;) Sorry guys, at least you got to get back to bed! I practiced transitions and I think they felt OK. I am going to keep practicing.  Am I nervous for my try yet.....? I dunno. 

Last night for dinner I literally just took all of the ingredients in my fridge or what was left of them and piled them into a salad.  So below is lettuce mix, grilled beans, hot dog, carrots, cherries, salsa, onion, and cucumber.  It was good.  

I am just about to head out for my run. I am gonna go probably 8-12 miles....probably closer to 10. I want to be feeling fresh for my race Saturday.  Wish me luck, I'll post a recap =) 

Happy Running -Jen

 Anyone else racing this weekend?

What is your favorite pre-race meal?
 - I am trying a new one. Typically I eat Frosted Mini wheats but my new thing is steel cut oatmeal with brown sugar and craisins.


  1. Have a great time at your tri!

  2. My trail shoelaces always come undone, I was thinking about those laces! Once they're actually on, did you like them?

  3. Good luck at the tri! You will rock it!

    I would have had no idea how to put those laces on either. Do they work well?

  4. Goodluck on your run and the tri this weekend! I can't wait to read all about it.

  5. I love NO tie laces! Good luck this weekend!

  6. good luck on the tri. looking forward to the recap. i want to hear how you like those puppies!! lacing can be tough!

  7. Everything-except-the-kitchen-sink salads are so good--your salad looks super delicious :)

    You'll rock your tri!!

  8. Good luck!! How do you like the laces?


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